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Identifying top 'n' values in a list (column) of data


New Member

I am trying to identify the top 'n' (ie. 7, 10 etc) values in a list of data. There may be duplicates and these need to be included. Thus if I need to identify the top 10 values and there is a duplicate then 11 values need to be identified.

Unfortunately the data cannot be sorted or filtered as the target column is a summary of an relationship matrix (where the X and Y axis have the same information and the matrix is used to identify relationships).

The target field is the sum of the relationships for each data point on the axises.

My concept is to enter a formula in a new column and return either a '1' (a result flag) or the actual rank of the target data (ie. 1 through n).

I tried using the 'Large' function but this identifies the nth value and not all values up to and including n.

I have used conditional formatting to color code the top values in the target field but I need to do further analysis by identifying the top values to highlight other cells and summarize the data.

Thank you for your help.
Check out the technique I describe here:


The change you'll want to make is that the criteria will be something like:


Your suggestion worked and the exact formula that I used is: =IF($AO$4:$AO$40>=LARGE($AO$4:$AO$40,$AQ$2),AO4,"")


AO4:AO40 is the reference range

AQ2 is the top 'n' value desired

AO4 is the value from the reference range that is returned if True

"" return a 'blank' cell if False

Thank you!