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Icon sets Conditional Formatting - Trouble with the Pie [SOLVED]


New Member
I am building a visual strategy template, and one of the visuals is a pie in which you fill in the quarters as the project progresses. Luckily this in one of the new Icon Sets in the new Excel conditional formatting.

The problem is that I am having trouble with the pie one I need.

I have set it to be totally filled in at above 99%

three quarters filled in above 75%

half filled in above 50%

a quarter filled in above 25%

My problem is that it does not follow the rules and is making itself all filled at say 26%. In fact most values seem to make it all filled in.

Is this a bug or am I doing anything wrong.

(I have used the traffic light ones in the same conditional formating feature it seems to work OK).

Please help
Hi ,

Instead of using Percent as the Type , use Number , and use values of 1 for fully filled in , 0.75 for three-quarters filled in , and so on.

Good day JJ

Welcome to the forum, please read the green sticky's, they will help you in the use of the forum, particularly in uploading a sample via Dropbox.

I am reading it as though you have formulas in your CF, it you upload a sample we can see why 26% is ruling the formatting.
That worked great thank you. I had already done something similar but using 0,1,2,3,4. But using the decimal makes much more sense. It seems to me that the percentage function in this conditional formating icon set feature of Excel is a dog? Bow wow?