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Icon Set Conditional Formatting


Hello Ninjas...

Please help me...

How can i show two icon only using formula..

A2 B2

161.85 161.92

66.84 56.39

for 161.92 green Circle & 56.39 Red circle so on...

i.e if B2 greaterthan A2 then B2 Green Circle if lessthan Red Circle

I want CF only in B column.

Hi Parvez ,

Use the three Icon set , and make the formula the same for the top two icons i.e. the Green and the Amber ones ; when B2 is greater than or equal to A2 , the Icon will show Green , and when it is less , it will show Red.

Hi Parvez ,

I have configured the following formulae for B2 :

GREEN when value is >= =$A$2 , type is Formula

AMBER when value is >= =$A$2 , type is Formula

RED when <Formula

The above will work correctly ; please confirm this , since it works correctly on my PC. I have tried changing values in both A2 and B2.

The problem comes when you want to copy this CF to another set of cells , say A3 and B3 ; you need to change the formula , since the references are all absolute , and will not change on their own.

Yes Narayan...

When i m using format painter one-by-one then its work correctly...

but when i m selecting whole area then giving wrong colour.

is there any thing which will work for whole selection...

Hi Parvez,

Please don't cross post. Can you upload the sample.

Edit: Narayan is right, I tried it with a variation see this:

