New Member
Hi All,
Can you please help me out I want to save the Zip File name as IcCurrencyConversionRates and should be stored in the below path
C:\Automation\Source Zip File
but when I am using the below code the File Name is IcCurrencyConversionRates but it is asking to choose the location
My requirement is the location should also be fixed and it should not ask for saving in a location
FolderName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("IcCurrencyConversionRates", "Zip Files (*.zip), *.zip ", , "C:\Automation\Source Zip File\")
Can you please help me out I want to save the Zip File name as IcCurrencyConversionRates and should be stored in the below path
C:\Automation\Source Zip File
but when I am using the below code the File Name is IcCurrencyConversionRates but it is asking to choose the location
My requirement is the location should also be fixed and it should not ask for saving in a location
FolderName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("IcCurrencyConversionRates", "Zip Files (*.zip), *.zip ", , "C:\Automation\Source Zip File\")