Hi i am new to forums and got Yesterdays post all wrong. I hope this time to it will make more sense. Also very new to VBA.
Anyone who downloads my file will see it opens the Userform directly. Please use LARGE RED "HIDE" BUTTON!! to goto sheet "Data". Use open form button at the top of the "Data" sheet.
I had problems explaining on another forum what I needed and so I will try again here. I gave up on another forum trying to explain my needs and so hope this is clear.
I need code/Macro to print the result of any search displayed in the Listbox.
Please open my file click "HIDE" below the Listbox. See the blue Table in "Data" sheet N9:V9. Empty cells!!! Click "OPEN FORM". Click "Search" Button. Click "Hide" See the blue table is populated. Click "OPEN FORM". I need to be able to print the data from any combination of searches from the Combobox "cboHeader" and "txtSearch".
Anyone who downloads my file will see it opens the Userform directly. Please use LARGE RED "HIDE" BUTTON!! to goto sheet "Data". Use open form button at the top of the "Data" sheet.
I had problems explaining on another forum what I needed and so I will try again here. I gave up on another forum trying to explain my needs and so hope this is clear.
I need code/Macro to print the result of any search displayed in the Listbox.
Please open my file click "HIDE" below the Listbox. See the blue Table in "Data" sheet N9:V9. Empty cells!!! Click "OPEN FORM". Click "Search" Button. Click "Hide" See the blue table is populated. Click "OPEN FORM". I need to be able to print the data from any combination of searches from the Combobox "cboHeader" and "txtSearch".