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Hyperlink cell reference



I have some hyperlinks setup that take me deferent worksheets in a workbook. I was wondering if there's a formula that can be enter into the cell reference of the hyperlink to take me the next empty cell in column A in a worksheet.

How about something like this?

=HYPERLINK("[Book1.xls]Sheet1!A"&COUNTA(Sheet1!A:A)+1,"Next Empty")
Hi Narayan,

I had not see the # trick before, but you are correct, that works the same way, and is shorter. I'm assuming the # only refers to same sheet as the formula is on, however?
Hi Luke ,

The following appears to be the syntax :

=HYPERLINK("#Sheet2!A"&COUNTA(Sheet1!A:A)+1,"Next Empty")

Cool! That will certainly save a lot of aggravation that I normally have due to file/sheet names changing. =)

I used this formula =HYPERLINK("#Sheet2!A"&COUNTA(Sheet1!A:A)+1,"Next Empty") but returned a reference of valid error.

This does go into hyperlink cell reference?

Not sure why it's referring to two different sheets in the formula.

I'm riunning excell 2007 don't know if that matters.

Hi Dan ,

Sorry for having confused you ; that was just a communication between Luke and me !

If your formula is to be entered in a cell like say D15 on sheet Sheet1 , then entering the following formula in D15 :

=HYPERLINK("#A"&COUNTA(Sheet1!A:A)+1,"Next Empty")

and clicking on this hyperlink , will take you to the next empty cell in column A. Of course , this assumes that all the cells in column A from A1 till a blank cell are having data i.e. there are no blank cells in between A1 and the last filled cell in column A.

The formula just goes into a regular cell. Don't use the Insert - Hyperlink menu.

Our apologies, both sheet references should be to the sheet that you are wanting to go to.
Got the formula working. Thanks, you guys awsome!

Thanks again for alll your help it is greatly appreciated.
