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How to write formulae to estimate monthly values based on yearly input


New Member
Dear All,
Please help me to set formulae in "?" depend on old monthly and yearly data.



  • Ask.xlsm
    20.3 KB · Views: 11
Please explain the rationale and add some manually calculated expected results. Crystal balls are scarce these days
(BTW your title is utterly useless)
Please explain the rationale and add some manually calculated expected results. Crystal balls are scarce these days
(BTW your title is utterly useless)
Because We want to check and compare given HOURS which meet demands of production amount, OT, working time comparing with previous monthly of years.

Please explain the rationale and add some manually calculated expected results. Crystal balls are scarce these days
(BTW your title is utterly useless)
We are trying to control OT and working hours from current section by each month but depend on Average of 12 months of two near previous years. Thanks.
I'm sorry, without some manually calculated values, I don't understand. Someone else will probably be better suited to help.
Good luck