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How to write and import rules for Outlook


Excel Ninja

I am trying to set few rules for Outlook.
These rules are not pre-defined in Outlook's set of existing rules.

How do I write rules and import it in Outlook.
I can see an option in Outlook for importing rules.
But I have no idea how to write rules for Outlook outside its environment and import it.

Also, what is RWZ extension file, what program is required to open this file.
I have one RWZ file with me but do not know how to open it or edit it.

Please note, my question related to RWZ file is not directly related to first question in post.
Not trying to mix both, only asking both the questions in one post.

My primary task is write few rules for Outlook and import it.
I do not know is it possible or how do I do it.

Can anyone please help me in this.