Sub AddCanvasConnector()
Dim wksNew As Worksheet
Dim shpCanvas As Shape
Set wksNew = Worksheets.Add
'Add drawing canvas to new worksheet
Set shpCanvas = wksNew.Shapes.AddCanvas( _
Left:=150, Top:=150, Width:=200, Height:=300)
'Add connector to the drawing canvas
shpCanvas.CanvasItems.AddConnector _
Type:=msoConnectorStraight, BeginX:=150, _
BeginY:=150, EndX:=200, EndY:=200
End Sub
I want to connect two cells using curved connectors by matching the string present in both cells.
As I know curves can be created using above code.
But, How can I connect two cells by matching the values inside it and NOT by fixing coordinate axes.
I have attached the sample file for which I need help in writing macro.
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