In your IF statement, you are not providing a decision path for when the Received Amount is LESS than the Outstanding Balance on a Bill - That is why you are getting the FALSE in Option 2.
Are you converting a legacy paper system to Excel? If so, perhaps you can dispense with quite a few steps in your process. This is where the confusion arises.
Hi ,
I am not able to understand this formula :
H7 is the received amount ; G10 is the first outstanding amount.
What the formula is doing is if the received amount is more than the outstanding amount , it is subtracting the received amount from the outstanding amount. Why ?
If you can explain in clear terms where you want formulae inserted , and what should be the results these formulae should display in their cells , we can suggest the appropriate formulae.
The columns I and M may not be necessary , and it is better we do not concentrate on your formulae in these two columns.
How do we know to which bills the received amount is to be allocated ?In the Example 1 received amount is 100000 ; suppose my client send me the payment of Bill Number 15 and Bill Number 20
Hi ,
You mention :
How do we know to which bills the received amount is to be allocated ?