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How To Subtotal Weekly Data By Months


New Member

I've a set of weekly data as shown in the doc here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?pli=1&key=0Ao7RzFobcTErdC1WbjFDVVlza29SU1ZuVE03VmlxQlE&hl=en_US#gid=0) I need a formula to fill the table that is to the right of the list with data related to that particular month and year.

Any help is much appreciated!
Hi Karthik ,

Try the following formula in cell E2 :


Copy this formula to the other cells in the range E2:H4 ; there is one date in May 2009 whose amount will not appear in your table which is only for Jan , Feb , Mar and Apr.


P.S. This need not be entered with CTRL SHIFT ENTER.