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How to speed up the excel book to open in shared position and individual


Active Member
Hello Sir Good Afternoon

i created one workbook which is Contain 50sheets, In Each Sheet the Subject Contain from A1:O1504 and in that work book i used some macros and VBA and excel formula.

now here is the problem it will take too much time to open in my system or other system when i share that work book

my system information as given below:

1. Windows 7

2. Office 2007

3. 2gb ram

4. Processor - Intel(R) core(tm) i3 cpu 540 @ 3.07GHz 3.07 GHz

kindly suggest
Good day sgmpatnaik

You say you have 50 x 1504 calls of data which is egual to K75,200 data cells plus all the macros vba and formulas, all of which will increase the file you are trying to share over your intranet, just how big is the file??
Hi To be honest if I had data that large with multi users input I would build an access data base, split the front end from the back end so that as users where inputing they only have the front end on thier computers.
Hi, sgmpatnaik!

Totally agree with b(ut)ob(ut)hc. Move data to Access, SQL Server, MySQL or another database.
