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How to specify a range in a formula using a variable


Excel Ninja

I am trying below formula in excel.


I want to use a variable & replace b1500.

I need to use last row count value instead of b1500.

How do I write this formula in VBA by using Cells(1,1) fashion.

Can anyone help me in this please.
Hi Sachin ,

If I assume that you have already defined and calculated a variable called LastRow , then the following VBA statement will work :

Application.WorksheetFunction.Varp( Range("B1").Resize(LastRow))

where LastRow will have a numeric value , say 1500.

Within an Excel worksheet formula , the following should work :


Hi Sachin,

See the below code:

Sub LstRowCnt()

'To identify the last row in column A at sheet1

lrow = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

'Now you can pass the 'lrow' variable to range or cell object. For e.g., say you want to select last row (filled with data) of column A at sheet1.

Sheets("sheet1").Cells(lrow, 1).Select

End Sub

PS: Put some data at the column and sheet of your choice (and ajust the reference in code) to test the code.

Hope this helps.


Hi Narayan, thanks for the help. However I am facing a problem.

the code is running but no value is populated, cell remains blank.

I am using following codes.

lastrow = RawData.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row


Application.WorksheetFunction.VarP (Range("b1").Resize(lastrow))

Would request you to help me
Please note, if i try this formula in imme window (Ctrl G) I am getting the result.

But I am not getting the result in worksheet.

?Application.WorksheetFunction.VarP (Range("b1").Resize(lastrow))

Hi Sachin ,

This should work :

Public Sub temp()
Dim RawData As Worksheet
Set RawData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet Name")

lastrow = RawData.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.VarP(Range("B1").Resize(lastrow))
End Sub
Sir, this is giving me Run Time Error 9

Subscript out of range

My internal sheet name (name which can be seen in the VBA project without bracket) is RawData.

Name with the bracket is sheet2.

I can see this Sheet2 name in the excel file (not in the VBA).

I have not renamed the sheet2 in excel file.

Please help.
Sir, I think, I am able to do it now.

Would request you to please tell me if this is correct if you have time.

I have used following code.

Range("ab4").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VarP(MyRng)

MyRng is

Dim MyRng As Range

Set MyRng = Range(Cells(4, 9), Cells(lr + 3, 9))
Hi Sachin ,

If RawData is the name of your worksheet , and you are having this code in the Sheet section of your VBA Project , then the following is sufficient :

Public Sub temp()
lastrow = Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Debug.Print Application.WorksheetFunction.VarP(Range("B1").Resize(lastrow))
End Sub
For the code which you have posted to work , your data should be present in column I , from I4 till lr+3 , where lr is the last row of data in column A.

Hi Narayan Sir, good morning, wish you & everboydy on the forum a very happy Vijaya Dashami.

Thanks a lot for helping me, have a nice day.