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How to sort rows based on values of 3 columns


New Member
Here's what I would like to see happen (in lay-men's terms)...I would like pull column/row information from the "master worksheet" into preformatted tables(i.e. individual worksheets) and then sort that data in the table, respectively. As an example of one table, I want to pull the following columns from the "master-worksheet" into a pre-formatted table:

- Column B = Unique identifier #

- Column D = Title

- Column E = Category

- Column L = Rank (Critical, High, Medium, Low)

- Column J = Impact (9, 7, 5, 3, or 1)

- Column K = Likelihood (9, 7, 5, 3, or 1)

In addition, the "master-worksheet" is syncronized with an external data source that changes daily, so I want the tables to automatically adjust with the changing data from the external data source (i.e. tables update automatically when new rows are added or deleted, and data within individual cells changes).

I have thought about array formulas to get the information into the pre-formatted table, but cannot figure out how to then sort Column L (descending) + Column J (descending) + Column K (descending).

Any help would be HUGELY appreciated and bragged about until the end of all days!!!! Please HELP!


As the external data is being changed on a daily basis, could you have a macro (either regular or event based) that would go and sort all your data?

Also, this may have been just an oversight, but what part of the main data goes into the individual sheets? (what's the criteria?)

Without going too deep, my first thought would be to have the macro distribute all the data out correctly to the different sheets and sort as needed. Thoughts?