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How to show row base on month selected


New Member
I have a file that is updated monthly. There is a data validation used to select the month and then persons procedd to update the rest of teh information. Problem is teh file has to be saved every month as a different file name. What I want is for all teh information to be saved in one file and the rows are shown based on teh month selected.

So if February is selected then February activities should show. I see where chandoo used filters to do this for graphs but i was wondering it it could be extended for text. The other problem is the month selection is done at teh top of the spreadsheet while teh information is at teh bottom, so I'm not sure filters would work. I dont want to write a macros.
Sounds like the filter idea is the best way to go. You could simply freeze the top row w/ the filter, so that even when you scroll down you can still see/change the filter.