New Member
Hi all, am new and appreciate any help any of you kind and experienced people can provide. I have an interview after taking 5 years off on maternity leave!! and my excel skills are not what they used to be!!
I need help on the following:
1) Build pivot to calculate things like:
- Average lead time per order type
- Average lead time per platform
- Orders breached SLA per month for the last six complete months.
2) Represent graphically:
a. Monthly order growth per customer
b. Current order status for those started in the last two months.
I have the data table below:
start Date end date Product /order type Customer Sales lead time per order(days) platform SLA Agreement days
12/09/2012 20/09/2012 Mobile Customer14 $45,446.00 20 platform yellow 15
13/09/2012 22/10/2012 fixed line Customer20 $43,703.00 34 platform purple 15
17/09/2012 23/10/2012 gsm Customer11 $45,446.00 20 Platform blue 15
19/10/2012 24/10/2012 handset Customer5 $97,346.00 20 platfom white 15
19/09/2012 25/10/2012 icloud Customer6 $45,446.00 50 platform red 15
20/09/2012 26/10/2012 iphone Customer15 $52,107.00 120 platform black 15
23/09/2012 14/11/2012 samsung Customer12 $52,107.00 30 platform purple 15
23/09/2012 15/11/2012 Mobile Customer8 $43,703.00 30 platform red 15
24/10/2012 16/11/2012 fixed line Customer7 $52,107.00 50 platform yellow 15
25/09/2012 17/11/2012 gsm Customer20 $45,446.00 22 platform black 15
I need help on the following:
1) Build pivot to calculate things like:
- Average lead time per order type
- Average lead time per platform
- Orders breached SLA per month for the last six complete months.
2) Represent graphically:
a. Monthly order growth per customer
b. Current order status for those started in the last two months.
I have the data table below:
start Date end date Product /order type Customer Sales lead time per order(days) platform SLA Agreement days
12/09/2012 20/09/2012 Mobile Customer14 $45,446.00 20 platform yellow 15
13/09/2012 22/10/2012 fixed line Customer20 $43,703.00 34 platform purple 15
17/09/2012 23/10/2012 gsm Customer11 $45,446.00 20 Platform blue 15
19/10/2012 24/10/2012 handset Customer5 $97,346.00 20 platfom white 15
19/09/2012 25/10/2012 icloud Customer6 $45,446.00 50 platform red 15
20/09/2012 26/10/2012 iphone Customer15 $52,107.00 120 platform black 15
23/09/2012 14/11/2012 samsung Customer12 $52,107.00 30 platform purple 15
23/09/2012 15/11/2012 Mobile Customer8 $43,703.00 30 platform red 15
24/10/2012 16/11/2012 fixed line Customer7 $52,107.00 50 platform yellow 15
25/09/2012 17/11/2012 gsm Customer20 $45,446.00 22 platform black 15