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how to set List fill range for ActiveX control Listbox via VBA code.


New Member
Hi all,

Im looking for a code that would dictate the range of my ActiveXlistbox after refreshing the file. Can someone help? adding range via ActiveXcontrol is not an option as it sometimes change the range after the refresh activity.

Something like:

sub refresh ()
Listbox = RAW!AA11:AJ100
Not sure if I understood. Do you want the listbox to populate from dynamic range or fixed range?

Something like this for fixed range.
ActiveSheet.ListBox1.List = ActiveSheet.Range("AA11:AJ100").Value

Sample sheet with what it looks like before refresh and what it could look like after refresh would help (also what it should look like after refresh).
I think u are looking for rowsource property of the listbox.

For better ! Upload the sample with what Chihiro already asked.