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How to print a header if a cell has a number value


Good Day to all of you
I have a file for stock control where i need to see when last time we sell a product.
i need a formula in column U which bring the header value in it if that column has got a number value.

Column G is Item Ref.
Column H is Item Description
Column I to T are the columns where i have my Quantities sold in those months

for Example
Item Ref 1 has been sold in April Last time i am looking for a formula which can print the value of cell S7 here in Cell U9

File is attached for your reference...

thanks for your help.

Kind Regards


  • Non Moveing Stock.xlsx
    14.1 KB · Views: 9
Hi Nadjalil,

I have made a solution with new excel 2016 formula MAXIFS. However there can be other solutions using array formulas. For all these to work, you need to first change the Months in to Excel Dates.

Then with MAXIFS you can easily get the max date given the sales > 0.

Please see the attached file.


  • Non Moveing Stock.xlsx
    13.8 KB · Views: 6
Thanks AJ
but unfortunately i have only 2010 version in my office and this cant work there. do you have anything else which can work with older version of excel...

thanks for your hlep.

Kind Regards