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How to paste data number into 8 diferent lines at once in Excel

David gonzalez

New Member
Hi all,

My Name is David, as i said on previous post. i decided to learn some computers and excel stuff till now, thanks a lot... :)

the warm welcome and help from Mr Hui and mr Suresh is appreciated a lot too,

I need to do some job in excel, and i need help (at least first jump) I organized on my mind what i exactly need, to be short and Simple, i'll explain in 2 examples what i need to do, don't worry,then after i'll figure it out the whole thing...

Need to PASTE Data Numbers In

-. INPUT cell C1 (Set of Any 8 Numbers Between 01 TO 36).

e.g : Paste 02-04-07-11-18-20-25-30 (or any other numbers between 01 to 36)

-. INPUT cell C2 (Set of Any 9 Numbers Between 01 TO 36),

e.g : Paste 03-06-09-12-17-19-26-29-33(or any other numbers between 01 to 36)

At this Point might exist 2 possibility to implement what i need...

( sorry, i'm a bit ignorant on this issue)

a-.by macro


b-.by any old excel command

If by Macro -> After pressing "Control+q"


Then the 8 Number pasted in cell C1, have to be pasted in Cell "F3, F8, F13"


The 9 Number pasted in cell C2, have to be pasted in Cell "G4, G9, G14, G18, G23"

If by Old excel Command -> then I don't know, but might will be easier...


I'll apreciated your help, and

Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards from Miami

Hi David ,

I think this is a follow-up to your first question , which has not yet been answered ; I would like to suggest that when you post a problem , the best thing to do would be :

1. Clearly and comprehensively ( with as much detail as possible ) state your problem ; stating the problem means what will you input into a worksheet / workbook , what should be the output , and in case it is not immediately clear , how is the output to be obtained from the input.

2. If the above is not possible , give some examples.

3. If that is also not possible , upload a workbook , with either real or sample data , and instructions on how the output is to be obtained from the given data.

I think your suggestions of macro / formula need to be given as constraints i.e. if you cannot accept macros ( VBA ) , please mention this ; if you cannot use helper cells / columns , please mention this ; otherwise , I think the choice of which solution is possible can safely be left to the members of this forum , since you may get a formula solution from one member , and a VBA solution from another ; it is also possible that you may get more than one formula / VBA solution from many members.

To refer to your post , I would like the following clarifications :

1. What is the meaning of paste 8 numbers in C1 and 9 numbers in C2 ? Are these random numbers ? Are you going to paste them or do you want that this should be done automatically , either through formulae or through a macro ?

2. Do you want that once these numbers are in C1 , C2 , they should be separated and put in the cells you have mentioned ?

3. Do you need this only for the cells you have mentioned , as a one-time action , or will you want to repeat this in more cells , or many more times ?


while reading your suggestion, everything make me fell bad.

As i said before im a old men that decide to study excel, what i try to tell is that im a total beginner... dumm or idiot on excel (choose me a name)

and in this world is not that only old person try to learn or ask stupid thing on wrong place or different languaje, the samething can be done by many kids that try to learn excel.

As i see you are a "excel ninja" in Chandooo.org/forums .. i suppose that you are a very knowledgeable person with excel and very smart.

To be honest, with your statement/suggestion doesn't make sense at all!

You saying:

1. Clearly and comprehensively ( with as much detail as possible )

2.state your problem ; stating the problem means what will you input into a worksheet / workbook , what should be the output , and in case it is not immediately clear , how is the output to be obtained from the input.

Cmon !!!!

I invite anyone to please see my "sin" in my last post ( "How to paste data number into 8 different lines at once in Excel" ), it was a post which i was asking for help...

Mr NARAYANK991 : ugh.. Cmon !!!! Shame of you!!

Best Regards

Hi David ,

My apologies !

Can you answer the three questions I have asked ?

Since you have started a new topic , let us forget the earlier one and start afresh.

Hi Mr Narayan,

I'm sorry, and i apologise,i should understand and stay quite, Sorry.

You're right, lets forget about..

please let me answer the 3 question


1. What is the meaning of paste 8 numbers in C1 and 9 numbers in C2 ? Are these random numbers ? Are you going to paste them or do you want that this should be done automatically , either through formulae or through a macro ?

a-.The 8 and 9 Numbers are Ramdon numbers choosed from another windows program

a-.I'm going to Copy (from a windows program) And Paste in excel, cell C1 and C2

a-.The way on how to paste automatically on other cells can be trough formulas or macros

(can be either)

2. Do you want that once these numbers are in C1 , C2 , they should be separated and put in the cells you have mentioned ?

a-. once the set of numbers are in C1 and C2, they should be in the cells i mentioned exactly as i pasted in C1 and C2.


8 Numbers from C1

paste C1 Set of 8 numbers in cell "F3"

paste C1 Set of 8 numbers in cell "F8"

paste C1 Set of 8 numbers in cell "F13"

9 Numbers from C2

paste C2 Set of 9 numbers in cell "G4"

paste C2 Set of 9 numbers in cell "G9"

paste C2 Set of 9 numbers in cell "G14"

paste C2 Set of 9 numbers in cell "G18"

paste C2 Set of 9 numbers in cell "G23"

3. Do you need this only for the cells you have mentioned , as a one-time action , or will you want to repeat this in more cells , or many more times ?

a- as 1 time action i need to do it in many other and different cells,

But i just need to learn on how to do it in C1 and C2, Then i figure it on how to do it

on the many others that i need,

Thank you so much..

Hi David ,

Thanks for the clarifications.

However , now it's late at night here , and I can do something only tomorrow morning.

Hope you can wait.


Don't worry, i solved the problem,

and this is the way how i did :

Let say i paste the set of numbers in C1

and i want to copy automatically the content of C1 in to cells "F3, F8, F13 "

So in each cell that i wanted to be pasted the Information i input " =C1 ",

and that's it !!!

at mean time i'm studyng excel... lil by lil i hope to be proficient.

Thank you very much !!!

Best Regards

Hi David ,

Good that you have resolved your problem on your own ; this kind of learning will not only stay with you forever , but will encourage you to continue learning. All the best.

As and when you see that this kind of copying and pasting ( since the cells are not adjacent cells , copying and pasting is not so easy ) is becoming tedious , you can think of automating the process by using a macro.
