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How to paste data across multiple cells


New Member

This is a pretty basic question, but it really has me stumpted. I am trying to paste data from a PDF document into an Excel document. I just need to be able to paste 7 cells worth of data into Excel. (I've tried pasting the entire PDF document **ten pages worth of data** -- which did not work at all, so I'm just trying to do it a few cells at a time.)

Thanks in advance for any assistance!!

Good day bejdln

I think you will have a problem with pasting from a PDF document unless it is unlocked and you are able to edit it, And the data needs to be laid out in the PDF so that it will fit a cell or cells in rows/columns.

You may find that if the data is not editable in the PDF when you paste to excel it will "float" on top of the work sheet as text and you will not be able to use it in functions or formulas.
Hi bobhc,

Thanks for answering my question. Actually, I can edit the PDF document, so it's not locked down, I believe. When I try to cut and paste, all of the data is rammed into one column, (I need it to be in seven columns).

Is there any way to cut and paste the data over multiple columns? Or, so I have to just basically retype the whole document in Excel? (That can't possibly be the case, right?)

Thanks again!


It sounds as though the data in the PDF document is not laid out in such away as to allow copy/paste as you want, if you select and then copy it will paste into one cell, you could try to select different types of paste such as paste values and see If that helps.

If you could transfer the PDF data to word you could then use the "get external data" function
Hi, bejdln!

Consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you.

Give a look at the green sticky posts at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.


PS: sample file = workbook + pdf

Hi, old dog!

Good afternoon for you, my friend.


PS: Still running up and down thru M62 updating your stock? :p
Good evening SirJB7, my friend

No need to run up and down the M62, I get it delivered, and tell them to bill a certain gentleman in Argentina......but knowing your kind nature I knew you would not mind :)

After all, you always give them my Amex Black number... And you know you can use it at any time ;)


Yes, you're right, you could always tell them to bill me under the previous conditions.


PS: And BTW, you're very kind and generous, you know?
SirJB7, my friend

Quote " And BTW, you're very kind and generous, you know?", I would like to show this but the postage costs for a Barrel of Carlsberg form the UK to Argentina would empty my bank account......how would I explain that to the boss, she would be wanting blood.Mine!!!


Yes, you're right again, but I was looking at this from your previous post:

Quote "After all, you always give them my Amex Black number... And you know you can use it at any time ;)"
