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How to offset the match before applying the index


New Member
I am struggling to find a way to offset the match by one row above (-1,0) and then apply the index.
In my workbook, I have two sheets- named as a and b. Following is the formulae I am using without offset:
b.Cells(k, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(a.Range("A:A"), Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(b.Cells(k, 4), a.Range("D:D"), 0))

I want to offset the position found by match to one row above in sheet a, followed by index.
I am extremely sorry for that...I am attaching the workbook with two sheets, named as a and b.
Results are needed to be derived in Column A of Sheet b, based upon data in Sheet a. Sheet a is non-editable, which contains a value in only one cell of column A, i.e., A2

INDEX(a!$A$2:$A$13,MATCH(D3, a!$D$2:$D$13,0))

I am using the above index and match to get the results by matching the Column D, i.e. Node Id. However, I am not able to get results in A5 and A6 of Sheet b because the corresponding cells in column A of sheet A are empty based on the matched position.

I want to offset the matched position by -1 (one row above), so that match can result: (Node Id = 20357 ) and Index can give me (Intersection: Highway 7 and Centre Street) in A4 and A5 of Column A of Sheet b.


  • Indexing.xlsm
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How about
We can't change anything in Sheet a. We need to derive the results based upon the values in A2 of Sheet a
Slight mod to my formula
Hi Fluff13,

I am attaching workbook again, I am looking for VBA code to get the name of intersections in Column A of Sheet b, i.e. Highway 7 and Centre St for A2:A7, and Highway 7 and Rivermede from A8: A12.


  • Indexing - VBA.xlsm
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Because these both are different forums I believe: One is for Excel and other for VBA Code......
I am new to this platform, please let me know if I have done something wrong
You are quite right, the other thread is in the VBA forum & this one is in the Excel section, which is why everyone has been providing formula solution
Ok, to get the code, simply turn on the macro recorder, select the first cell with the formula & press F2 then Enter.
Turn of the recorder & you have the basis for the code.
Because the Match starts in row 2, it could alternatively be written like
So the match starts at row1 & so you don't need the +1
Borrowing Bosco's formula try
Sub Jayce()
   With Sheets("b")
      With .Range("A2", .Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(, -3))
         .Formula = "=LOOKUP(""zzz"",a!$A$2:INDEX(a!$A:$A,MATCH(D2,a!$D:$D,0)))"
         .Value = .Value
      End With
   End With
End Sub