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How to name a range based on the data selected.


Excel Ninja
Sir, I want to name a range, this range will be used in further processing.

The range is flexible, it will change with every run.

I am able to select the range by using following code.

Cells(2, i).Offset(0, 0).Select

ActiveCell.Resize(b + 1, d).Select

Can anyone please tell me how do I name this range using VBA.
Good day sachinbizboy

Why not select the range click in name the range box, name it click enter and be done when you select the named range name it will take you to the data no matter where it is in your sheet
Hi bobhc, thanks for the reply.

Have a nice day to you too.

I cannot use the manual option to name the range.

I need this range to use in a formula.

When I am using this formula, I want the range name.

I want to do it by vba because the end used is going paste data in one sheet & submit.

Once the data is pasted, data selecting processing has to be done by VBA only.
Hi bobhc, I am trying

Rng = Cells(2, i).Offset(0, 0).Resize(b + 1, d).Select

I am trying if this is working, will definately share the results.

Thanks a lot for the help.
Hi Sachin ,

This article has a section on using VBA to create named ranges :


Hi bobhc & Narayan Sir,

I was able to it in the following way.

Sub CreateName()

a = Worksheets("view").Range("g6").Value

b = Worksheets("view").Range("g7").Value

c = b + 5

Cells(2, c).Select

ActiveCell.Resize(a + 1, b).Name = "dataTable"

Once again, thanks a lot for your support & have a nice day.
Hi Sachin ,

You can make it short , by not selecting any cell ; of course , you need to select the Worksheet labelled "view" beforehand , either manually , or within your VBA procedure :

With ActiveSheet
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="dataTable", _
RefersTo:=Cells(2, .Range("g7").Value + 5).Resize(.Range("g6").Value + 1, .Range("g7").Value)
End With