Chirag R Raval
Dear All,
How to Merge & insert below records in main record?-How Many records below main, not fixed-dynamic..
Please refer attached an excel file...require to merge below all records with correspondence main make continuation for requirement each main records must be present in 1 time only to properly subtotal ..on any column...(in other words remove problem of Blank rows with maintain record..)
there are many this type of files generate daily from other system & repair
(Cut-Paste below shade/unite in main record ) manually is huge time consuming & also effect on accuracy...
need your help for some code to resolve this problem. Forever..
& advance thanks for focus on this thread..
Chirag Raval
How to Merge & insert below records in main record?-How Many records below main, not fixed-dynamic..
Please refer attached an excel file...require to merge below all records with correspondence main make continuation for requirement each main records must be present in 1 time only to properly subtotal ..on any column...(in other words remove problem of Blank rows with maintain record..)
there are many this type of files generate daily from other system & repair
(Cut-Paste below shade/unite in main record ) manually is huge time consuming & also effect on accuracy...
need your help for some code to resolve this problem. Forever..
& advance thanks for focus on this thread..
Chirag Raval