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How to match two text strings to the nearest matching


I have two text string in different columns and I need to match the texts with the nearest possible to compare the rates in two different units. I have matched it with using index and match formula. Is there nay other best way to match the nearest
Thanks in advance
Anish M.S



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Hi ,

There is nothing in Excel which can help in finding nearest matches for text data ; Excel will either find exact matches or it cannot find a match.

Microsoft has released a fuzzy logic add-in for Excel , but you will have to download and install it before you can use it.

1. https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=15011

2. https://www.credera.com/blog/credera-site/excel-tips-fuzzy-lookup/

3. https://www.got-it.ai/solutions/excel-chat/excel-tutorial/vlookup/excel-fuzzy-lookup

Hi ,

There is nothing in Excel which can help in finding nearest matches for text data ; Excel will either find exact matches or it cannot find a match.

Microsoft has released a fuzzy logic add-in for Excel , but you will have to download and install it before you can use it.

1. https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=15011

2. https://www.credera.com/blog/credera-site/excel-tips-fuzzy-lookup/

3. https://www.got-it.ai/solutions/excel-chat/excel-tutorial/vlookup/excel-fuzzy-lookup

Thanks a lot, I will have a look at the shared links
Hi ,

There is nothing in Excel which can help in finding nearest matches for text data ; Excel will either find exact matches or it cannot find a match.

Microsoft has released a fuzzy logic add-in for Excel , but you will have to download and install it before you can use it.

1. https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=15011

2. https://www.credera.com/blog/credera-site/excel-tips-fuzzy-lookup/

3. https://www.got-it.ai/solutions/excel-chat/excel-tutorial/vlookup/excel-fuzzy-lookup

Thankyou very much i found it to be very useful