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how to make individual category list automatic?


i have two columns

like this

item category

a xl

b xs

c xl

d zp

e xl

f xs

g yu

h xs

i xl

j xp

k xs

now i want to create all individual category list automatic like this:

xl xs xp yu zp

a b j g d

c f

e h

i k

but how?

becoz i have so 100 name of items and 100 category.

is there any way to do it, if yes then plz help me........


Thanks in advance
Hi, mahaveer!

I assume you didn't read my early comment in your other topic:


If you didn't please do it; you'll find your cross-posting.

If you did, please follow the rules. Thank you.


PS: if you don't agree with any of them, you're always free to write Chandoo and ask to change them.