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How to make column labels appear in every row


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am constructing a large pivot table and need some help with formatting. My column labels are location, transport and product type. I put them in this order because there are a few locations with many different modes of tranportation for even more different products. To make the pivot table easier to read, I am trying one of two things (either will work).

1. Alternating the color fill of each location column label


2. Have the first column label be duplicated across each column. This is hard to explain so I will give and example.

This is what I am trying to do.


Train Train Plane

Watch Bracelet Phone

instead of....


Train Plane

Watch Bracelet Phone

Hope that makes sense.


Hi Mark,

You might be able to repeat the labels using the following approach:

1. If the PivotTable field list is not visible, display it by right clicking in the Pivot table, and selecting "Show Field List".

2. From the "PivotTable Field list" screen, select (or click) the row field whose label you would like repeated.

3. From the menu that gets displayed, select "Field Settings"

4. Switch to the "Layout and Print" tab

5. Check the radio button named "Show item labels in tabular form"

6. Check the box named "Repeat Item Labels"

7. Save changes by clicking "OK"

That should do it!

