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How to lock only the toggle buttons


New Member
Hi, I have summary from row# 1 to 10 and I have few data and toggle buttons from row# 11 to 20 and I have input details and data from row# 21 to 100..

I need to give this excel file to customers and I don't want them edit summary or(row#1 to 10) and I have want give them just click the toggle buttons access.

I tried protecting the sheet but macro is not working and I don't want them type the password while clicking toggle buttons.

My question is how do I protect only the summary and give click access to toggle buttons.
Unprotect and Protect the sheet while running the macro's
PrivateSub your togglebuttons names()
Sheets("Your sheetname").Unprotect Password:="your password"
    ' your code
Sheets("Your sheetname").Protect Password:="your password"
End Sub
Protect the VBA with a passwprd.
You have to keep in mind though, the security of excel is as leaky as a basket.