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How to link derived value to its own formula without causing an error?


New Member
Dear All,

This might read wierd but i would like to solve a problem in excel where i am deriving a particular cost per unit for 20 years rate in excel model. In this particular case, we have costs of different expense items and volume of the product. Each year we have derived a cost per unit for 20 years and taken an average to get the cost per unit. This coost is including the depreciation as well. Its a utility industry.

Now in the same model i have sheet where i need to input the average unit cost derived as earlier where it multiplies with the volumes of different year to get the cost in absolute numbers. Since this cost is average of all the cost per unit, the total expenses which i am getting by using cost per unit is different from where i derived the cost per unit. how do i solve the problem, since we need to vary in the input box where cost per unit is inputed to check the margins varying. I hope you all got what i am looking for
I'm afraid I don't understand. Could you share some numbers maybe, showing what you have and what you need, or upload a workbook (see 3rd sticky)?