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How to interconnect Excel with other software using VBA?


Hi Masters, thank you for this wonderful website. It is really helping me to learn new everyday.

Kindly assist with the basics of VBA programming so that I can link Excel with other applications for example If I want to mark my attendance in our HR tool when I reach my office and without opening that tool but using excel VBA.

Let me explain how I do this manually, I open that link, it asks to enter my employee ID and password,then I select the required options from the menus and in the end press the required button. I want to do that just by pressing a single button in excel. I hope you will help me with a similar kind of example.

Thank you very much, Dheeraj
Dear Dhiraj,,,,,, U r expecting which is very difficult coz ur HR Tool may have some restrictions as well as some hidden tool for data capturing....?

At this time I M helpless...?



Hi, Dheeraj!

Despite of the usefulness of the given example (except just a test for other further uses) you have many options. Have a look to this, just as a first approach:

1) Shell function: Shell(pathname[,windowstyle])

2) DDE operations: DDEExecute, DDEInitiate, DDEPoke, DDERequest, DDETerminate

3) AppActivate function: AppActivate title[, wait] (if the application is already running)

4) API calls: if the application exposes a public interface, specific of each program

Good luck.
