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How to hide / unhide column by using formula


New Member
How can we hide or unhide column by using formula when we are entering value in any cell.

e.g in A1 if i will enter 1 then Column F will hide and if i will enter any other number or if i will delete that 1 from A1, then Column F will unhide.

please help me in this.

Thank you!
Can't do it just using formulas. But you can use this event macro (right click on sheet tab, paste in)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Range("A1") = 1 Then
Range("F:F").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range("F:F").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub