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How to go to different sheets(to see the value) from a cell containing formula

Ajay Gupta

New Member
If in a cell i have applied a formlua of sum form two differnnt sheets of the same file then by pressing Ctrl & [ I get to see the first value only but if after seeing the first value i want to go to second value directly then how i can go to it.

Thanks in advance

Please revert
Hi Ajay,

* If we discuss about only is the ActiveSheet, then Ctrl + [ or Ctrl + Shift + [ is more powerful then
Atl + E + G + S + P + L
(Go To Special > Precedent > All Level)

* But, If we discuss about Formula >> Formula Auditing >> Trace Precedent..
and Excel gives you Non-Continuous Black Line('----'), instead of Continuous Blue Line, Excel just trying to tell you that, I can go only to the first Precedent, Not 'All level of Precedent', and it gives you Non-Continuous Black Line, only if the Precedent are not in ActiveSheet

* Use some tricks.. Select the Formula's Single Range , i.e '=SUM(Sheet2!A3,Sheet2!A1:D1

Press F5 and Enter..

