Active Member
I would need some help how to pull data into open workbook (Test2.xlsm) from closed workbook (Test1.xlsm) based on unique headers.
The Test1.xlsm contains that data what I would like to extract to Test2.xlsm (starting in A1) and these are that columns what should be presented in Test2.xlsm: "Material", "Stock", "Blocked" from Test1.xlsm. The extracted columns must be next to each other. And the code should extract the data until the "Lastrow" of "Material" (<- from Test1.xlsm).
This is the code what I use now (in Test2.xlsm) but it is just get the specific range instead of column headers.
I have attached the sample files with the expected result.
Could somebody give me some advice how to do it?
Thanks in advance the reply!
I would need some help how to pull data into open workbook (Test2.xlsm) from closed workbook (Test1.xlsm) based on unique headers.
The Test1.xlsm contains that data what I would like to extract to Test2.xlsm (starting in A1) and these are that columns what should be presented in Test2.xlsm: "Material", "Stock", "Blocked" from Test1.xlsm. The extracted columns must be next to each other. And the code should extract the data until the "Lastrow" of "Material" (<- from Test1.xlsm).
This is the code what I use now (in Test2.xlsm) but it is just get the specific range instead of column headers.
Option Explicit
Sub GetDataDemo()
Dim FilePath$, Row&, Column&, Address$
Const FileName$ = "Test1.xlsm"
Const SheetName$ = "Test1"
Const NumRows& = 250
Const NumColumns& = 250
FilePath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Dir(FilePath & FileName) = Empty Then
MsgBox "The file " & FileName & " was not found", , "File Doesn't Exist"
Exit Sub
End If
For Row = 1 To NumRows
For Column = 1 To NumColumns
Address = Cells(Row, Column).Address
Cells(Row, Column) = GetData(FilePath, FileName, SheetName, Address)
Next Column
Next Row
ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = False
End Sub
Private Function GetData(Path, File, Sheet, Address)
Dim Data$
Data = "'" & Path & "[" & File & "]" & Sheet & "'!" & _
Range(Address).Range("A1").Address(, , xlR1C1)
GetData = ExecuteExcel4Macro(Data)
End Function
I have attached the sample files with the expected result.
Could somebody give me some advice how to do it?
Thanks in advance the reply!