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How to get/copy paste date wise horizontal employee attendance vertically


New Member
In Row 3, I have Employee ID Col (B), Employee Name Col (C), Supervisor Name Col (D) and then in Col E to AA date wise employees attendance for 1st to 31st July.
Request your urgent help.
I have employees day wise (1st to 31st July) attendance in horizontal format, and I now want each employee's date-by-date attendance vertically. Attached is a sample excel sheet that shows how the output should be.


  • Attendance_Horizontal to Vertical.xlsx
    14 KB · Views: 4


One sample, how to - copy paste - data as You've written.
Click [ Do It ]


  • Attendance_Horizontal to Vertical.xlsb
    21.2 KB · Views: 10
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Could You explain with own words ... How above could be possible?
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