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How to get average monthly activity duration and monthly volume of customer


New Member
Date of ActionCustomerVolumeTransactionAssets
13/01/2020Customer A 44,499.2 1,148 60
5/03/2020Customer B 2,186.1 16 1
5/06/2021Customer A 145,243.4 508 106
26/08/2021Customer B 631.6 16 4
5/04/2022Customer C 1,423.1 32 12
26/06/2022Customer A 758.7 15 2
31/03/2023Customer C 62,440.1 214 58
4/08/2023Customer C 2,245.7 17 1
15/08/2023Customer B 220,562.9 854 63
28/11/2023Customer A 1,669.1 29 8
6/03/2024Customer C 42,202.8 58 12
23/05/2024Customer B 26,053.9 103 29
25/07/2024Customer A 15,330.9 287 51

This is a sample simplified dataset of the datasheet i'm using for my PowerBI dashboard.

I wish to learn how to create 4 visuals:

  1. One card showing the overall average period of time (in months) for customer activities before ceasing
  2. One card showing the average monthly customer volume
  3. One visual (any type) that best shows the average increase/decrease of volume for 2020 - 2024 respectively. eg) 2020: 4% +. 2021: -2% etc etc
  4. Would also be nice to calc the average transaction per asset in a card visual too - if possible