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How to count of times each banks increase interest rate?


New Member
Hi, please if anyone can help.

I have dataset of all the interest rate.

I want to find the formula for excel, I want to know total count of How many times each banks increase interest rate in a one-month periods, how many times each banks decrease interest rate in a one-month periods, how many times each banks kept interest rate same in a one-month periods. I have data is of 1 month period.

This below column formula I am trying to find if anyone can help me. Thanks in advance.

Column AH = Total Increase (Need Excel formula to find this)
Column AI = Total Decrease (Need Excel formula to find this)
Column AJ = Total No Changes (Need Excel formula to find this)

I have attached small excel workbook. If anyone can help with this formula. Thanks in advance.


  • Sample Workbook data.xlsx
    11 KB · Views: 4
How to know, which data belongs to one month, if Your the 1st row values are something else than dates?
Could You show Your expected result per Your sample data?
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