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how to find blank cells


Dear sir,

I have downloaded excel data from billing software and i tried to find out blank cells by using go to special and blanks but i unable to find lated i used ALT+E+A in 2 cells lated used go to special it is marking as blank cells
please tell me how to a way to find empty cells.


  • sur.xlsx
    10.1 KB · Views: 7
m9vukyem, Good evening.

Try to use Conditional Format.

Select A1:A183
...> Conditional Formatting
...> New Rule
...> Select: Use a formula to determine wich cells to format
...> Rule formula box:


...> Click Format button ...> Choose Fill color as desired
...> OK

Please, tell us if it worked as you want.

I hope it helps.


  • 04-08-2021-sur.xlsx
    10.6 KB · Views: 3
first 2 blank i used delete function to remove text (invisible) so that they are selection as blanks remaining blank ( some invisible text) are not selection when i use go to special function for copying upper cell to fill the blank cell automatically
m9vukyem, Good morning.

"...please tell me how to a way to find empty cells..."
You requested a way to identify empty cells and the submitted suggestion does just that.

Now you are mentioning invisible characters in empty cells.
Your example did not contain any such cases.

Please, send us some examples that contain these issues so that we can test and help you effectively.

Select A1:A183 >> "Text to Columns" >> press "Finish" >>OK


"Ctrl"+"G" >>"Special" >> "Blanks" >> OK


Thank you sir its working can i know why that cell conatins text with no data even i tried "Len function" to find how many letters its contains
Thank you sir its working can i know why that cell conatins text with no data even i tried "Len function" to find how many letters its contains
I think your data was transfer/copied from the Web site to Excel, so all range contain Text value include numeric value and blank.

"Text to Columns" can convert Text value into actual numeric value, and Text blank into actual blank.

Last edited:
If you use the ISTEXT or TYPE function, you will see that from A8 on these functions recognize the "empty" cells as text.
I can't figure out why though, even the CODE function does not help