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How to fill random numbers in a range of cells using auto-sum.

Hello friends and here's something i just discovered and would like to share

I was using the = RANDBETWEEN() to fill random numbers in a range of cells (B2:K200) and instead of using the 'usual' Ctril+Enter in B2 and then pressing the usual Ctrl+Enter, i used the 'auto-sum' button instead and got the desired results.
So u don't really have to use 2 keys......Ctrl+Enter.
The single Autosum works just fine.
Thought i'd share this.
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Hi James,

I've just tried your method and it works if your cursor is in the formula bar, but if you put the RANDBETWEEN() in B2 first, then select your range B2:K200 and then hit the auto-sum you get a random number in each corner of the range that are identical. Just thought I'd share that.........can't think where it can come in useful though o_O:DD:DD