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How to extract text to the left of the second occurrance of a date.

I track notes in a single cell. The notes look similar to this:
01-17-20: BR reports that this course will be in video format only.
11-04-19: New due date: 01-23-20: BR is going to review the current video
11-04-19: BB approved Module Update Plan below, but encouraged us to get more done faster.
10-31-19: I notified MarCom to ignore my request to review the blueprint, per conversation with BR on the 29th.
10-29-19: BR is going to review the current video (no module) to see if any revisions are needed.
10-23-19: LR submitted new blueprint to MarCom to confirm it's good to go.

I need a formula to extract only the text to the left of the second date. So, in the example above, the result would be:
01-17-20: Barry reports that this course will be in video format only.

Thank you in advance!
It isn't clear to me what you are after.

Your result and sample don't match up? I'd recommend uploading sample workbook, with various possible patterns for raw data. And few manually constructed results to clearly demonstrate what you are after.
= LEFT( notes, SEARCH( "??-??-??", notes, 10 ) - 1 )
work correctly on your data?
Note: it assumes the first date lies within the first 9 characters.
OMG!!!! You are awesome!!! I research before I post a question and some of what I saw online was complex and I could not get it to work. You're formula is so simple and worked perfectly!