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How to extract data from different table


Data appears as below:

Col1    Col2     Col3.....
R1       1        2         3
R2       Apr     May      June....
R3       10       50       23
R4       15       25       33
R5       23       45       55
There 2 more tables with same structure but different data set. Each month for different table has different codes. For exp - Above table has code "1" for April, "2" for May etc.I want to extract data for different products in different table based on this month code. for exp - if the condition "2" is satisfied, data for May for all products should be extracted.


Hi Pardeep,

Please see this workout:


Thanks faseeh.

Good solution. What i found , every time condition is change i have to change the cell no (like B12)in formula to get the result.can this not be automatic?


Hi Pradeep

If your data is indeed as you describe it you could probably just come at it differently by putting the following in Cell B13 of the attached.


Drag it down. Change the parameters for Table 2 (col C) and 3 (Col D) and as you change your number variable the values should fall in line with expectations.

Take care
