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How to establish a graph to show relationship between multiple parameters.

Perfomance = m3 / time (hr)

2.4 6.0 7.3 3.2 7.1 4.0 7.2 5.7 3.3 2.8 6.7 2.7 2.2 3.2 3.3 1.6 1.6 3.4 3.9 4.5 5.0 4.6 0.0 6.7 4.4 2.9 3.6 4.8 9.1 3.2 1.0 3.5 18.1 3.8 3.8 5.3 4.2 1.5 8.2 8.2 4.4 7.8 4.7 1.9 4.7 5.1 6.5 2.1 5.9 6.3 6.3 4.8 7.6 4.1 6.3 5.8 3.2

Perfomance ( pcs/m3 ) Numbers

3.9 1.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 1.5 0.0 0.0 2.6 1.3 0.0 0.3 1.9 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.5 4.6 1.2 0.6 0.0 3.5 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 8.6 5.2 25.3 1.5 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.7 0.0 5.7 0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.0

Rock ( m3) 15.5 18.4 6.4 10.1 10.9 17.8 14.7 17.8 33.7 13.4 92.4 16.8 13.5 15.3 59.2 11.8 8.1 38.0 11.3 3.6 6.6 17.9 0.0 10.3 5.3 6.4 8.3 12.9 20.3 8.9 1.5 18.7 1.5 7.8 26.4 5.8 7.6 7.4 16.5 15.5 11.7 12.2 7.9 4.7 10.1 9.9 10.0 18.0 18.4 37.2 6.5 2.3 11.7 8.6 47.5 40.4 46.2

Here Rock in Cu.m (actual quantity) and other data Machine performance for cutting rock based on one Cu.m and third data is Machine teeth consumed per one Cu.m of rock cutting. How can i plot a chart showing all in one with establish relation with actual rock quantity.
Hi Wilson ,

I find it all somewhat confusing ; if we start with your requirements , you want the following :

1. Machine teeth consumed per cubic metre of rock cutting - how do you establish this from whatever data you have given ?

The data you have given is :

a) Total Quantity of rock cut , in cubic metres - per hour , per day , ?

b) The number of pieces per cubic metre - what is the meaning of this ?

c) The quantity of rock cut per hour , in cubic metres per hour.

More data and a more detailed explanation can possibly get you more answers.
