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how to data import from web?


actually i want to import data from one site therefore when i goto "DATA tab" and click on "from web" and it opens internet explorer.

now i want there will open google chrome it is possible?

becoz from which site i want to import data does not support internet explorer.

any help will be much appreciated......

Thanks in advance


CA Mahaveer Somani
Good day mahaveer

Set Crome as your default browser and it then should open when you want to access the web
Hi, mahaveer!

When you goto to Data tab, Get External Data group, From Web icon, you're prompted for a dialog box from Excel that's independent of your installed or default web browser. It'd be completely transparent which browser Excel ends using, unless you're dealing with a site that's behaves differently between IE & FF or Chrome.

BTW, how do you detect that Internet Explorer is used, apart from the running processes in Windows Task Manager? Please specify what Excel version are you using, thank you.

excel 2007 i m using and i know it is internet explorer.

and i did what sirB7 said. but no profit.

Can you tell me another way.


Thank you very much sir.


CA Mahaveer Somani
after log in that site i m getting the following error:

ERPNext is a complete easy to use web based ERP system that includes accounting inventory, sales, purchase, CRM, projects and a lot more.

Upgrade Your Browser

ERPNext requires a modern web browser to function correctly

Supported browsers are:

Mozilla Firfox 4+,

Google Chorme 14+,

Apple Safari 5+,

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+,

IE 10 can only be installed on window 7 service pack 1 or higer....this type of error i m getting when try to install IE 10.

while i have window 7 but i think i have no service pack 1 or higer..... so i want to open google chrome in excel so that i can open my site......there...



CA Mahaveer Somani