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How to create same nameranges in different named sheets?


New Member
Hello, I just came around this site looking for solution to my problem in excel. So, as the title implies...i have 50+ sheets (car plates) and on each sheet there is a range of cells (12 of them for whole year) where I enter the values. Ranges are identical through all the sheets. So, how can I easily (or faster than manual entering ranges...) name those ranges across my entire workbook?
If solution is somewhere on this site, please point me there.
Not sure if this is what you want:
Select your range on any sheet and, using the name box, type in a name (eg. myRng):


then go into Name Manager and edit this Name by removing the sheet reference but keeping the exclamation mark:

from this:


to this:


Then on any sheet, you can use the name, eg.:
and it will refer to the range on that sheet.

Is that what you were hoping for?
A VBA Solution

Option Explicit

Sub NameRange()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("A1:L1")     'Change range to your specific range
    i = 1
    For Each ws In Worksheets
        ws.rng.Name = "MyRange" & i ' Change the range name to your specifiec name
        i = i + 1
    Next ws

End Sub
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Amendment doesn't work here:


Maybe you're after:
Sub NameRange()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
  ws.Range("A1:L1").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!YourRange"    ' Change the range name to your specifiec name
Next ws
End Sub

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It is a kbit late for you by now but, if you need to do the same setting up a new workbook, you could set up a template sheet with defined names at workbook level. Then copy that sheet each time you need a working sheet. The names will come across with local scope.

Something else that can be useful on occasion, is to define a 3D named range across the group of contiguous sheets.
name = Sheet1:Sheet9!$A$1:$L$1
= SUM(name)
has always aggregated across sheets, but now
= VSTACK(name)
will build a table on a summary sheet to support further analysis.
thank you guys...i will try p45cal suggestion first. I am helping friend with this task so...and I am learning smth new along the way :) So, I don't need to sum ranges across the workbook, I just need names of the month (january, february etc) to create hyperlinks so that person will not need to scroll way down there to december and he will just click to cell with links.
btw, p45cal...is there a way that can I edit your code that I can enter all 12 nameranges (months) in one go?

@Peter: if all the sheets would have the same name, yes, I could copy one and paste it...but here I have 50+ different names.
ok, code worked, also for all 12 nameranges. thanks guys. Now, just a little more tweaking and editing hyperlinks on each sheet...is there also a way to code it? like...namerange january is for a1 on every sheet, february for b2 etc etc.
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If you're working on the same subset of sheets in you workbook, you can restrict the code to work only on that subset:
For each ws in Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Another Sheet", "ThisSheet", "ThatSheet"))
January for all sheets is A1:
ws.Range("A1").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!January"
February for B2:
ws.Range("B2").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!February"
All these can be within the same loop:
For each ws in Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Another Sheet", "ThisSheet", "ThatSheet"))
    ws.Range("A1").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!January"
    ws.Range("B2").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!February"
Next ws
If you're working on the same subset of sheets in you workbook, you can restrict the code to work only on that subset:
For each ws in Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Another Sheet", "ThisSheet", "ThatSheet"))
January for all sheets is A1:
ws.Range("A1").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!January"
February for B2:
ws.Range("B2").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!February"
All these can be within the same loop:
For each ws in Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Another Sheet", "ThisSheet", "ThatSheet"))
    ws.Range("A1").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!January"
    ws.Range("B2").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!February"
Next ws
Sorry, I am not that familiar with vba things here...
This code will put hyperlink entry in a1 for the namerange january in each specific sheet with different name?
Sorry, I am not that familiar with vba things here...
This code will put hyperlink entry in a1 for the namerange january in each specific sheet with different name?
Oh, I see, maybe not. I'll look at this in a few hours; you want someone clicking cell A1 to be sent to the named range January on the same sheet?
For both adding named ranges and adding hyperlinks, something along the lines of:
For Each ws In Sheets(Array("Sheet15", "Sheet16", "Sheet8"))
    ws.Range("A14:A28").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!January"
    ws.Range("B14:B28").Name = "'" & ws.Name & "'!February"
    ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ws.Range("A1"), Address:="", SubAddress:="January", TextToDisplay:="January"
    ws.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ws.Range("B1"), Address:="", SubAddress:="February", TextToDisplay:="February"
Next ws