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How to create permutations & combinations

Dear All,

In a array of cells in a column there are five names of places and there is a need to create all sorts of permutations that can happen between these places in regard to origin and destination. Each of the places can be a destination and an origin. How to create such a permutation?

The kind of result sought is attached in the file.



  • permutations.xlsx
    8.8 KB · Views: 5
If you have 365 or 2021 how about
Hi Fluff13,

Thanks for guiding me. However, could you please apply it in the excel sheet provided in my mail so that I can properly understand how to go about it?

Thanks Fluff13. While checking you formula, I found a suffix as "_xlfn." befor each function that you have used in the formula and the formula is also coming as an array formula within {}...is it a formula to be applied with CSE?

Or, try this old school formula for all Excel versions

In C3, formula copied right to D3 and all copied down until blank :

