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How to create a formula that creates a perpetual weekly date?

Lo Baan

New Member
I've created a list of weekly dates in 2016 that I use to do a vlookup based off of today's date to input that weekly date into cell B2. Can someone show me if a formula can create a perpetual weekly date instead of me having to update the list for 2017 at the end of 2016?

Thanks, Lo Baan

Sorry, I have uploaded file for your reference. Thanks, Lo Baan


  • Test Schedule.xlsx
    38 KB · Views: 8
The result I show in B2 is what I use to input into the first tab, "Schedule" to show date for schedule in cell D2.
Hi ,

I am not sure I have understood what you want done.

Suppose a date is entered in A2 , then the first Monday after that date will be :


You do not need to create a look up table as has been done in column C.

Hi ,

I am not sure I have understood what you want done.

Suppose a date is entered in A2 , then the first Monday after that date will be :


You do not need to create a look up table as has been done in column C.


Thank you so much Narayan. That is why you are an Excel Ninja. I do not have that much understanding of formulas and functions. What you have provided works fantastically!. I was only able to work with what I knew.

Thanks again and really appreciate the help! Lo Baan