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How to create a drop-down menu in excel which should change only the defined color for that cell and not the cell value?


New Member
Is there a way to create a drop-down menu in excel which should change only the defined color for that cell and the original cell value should remain as is?
Not sure what you want, and wat you ask is not possible as far as I know but what is posible is if the cell is empty you can give it a color, if it is not empty another color.
Not sure what you want, and wat you ask is not possible as far as I know but what is posible is if the cell is empty you can give it a color, if it is not empty another color.
Thanks for your reply Belleke.
To give more details about the requirement, please refer the attached sample file where for e.g. Employee will select the provided options from the list (R4:R7) like, Leave, Day/Night shift etc.. and accordingly it should change only the color of that cell but the mentioned date/cell value should remain as is.

For e.g. On 1st Jan I select as "Day Shift" which should update the color of C4 as shown in S6 but value of C4 should still show as 1 only.


  • Attendance.xlsx
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vishalgupta8826 asked:
Is there a way to create a drop-down menu in excel which should change only the defined color for that cell and the original cell value should remain as is?
... as in my sample - my answer is Yes.