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how to copy data from an SAP GR55 report when frame/pane is not recognized by script recorder?

This may be too obscure, but I'm trying to automate running a GR55 report in SAP. Everything works fine, but some of the GR55 reports generate a pane on the left of the SAP screen that can be expanded to show a list of company codes/regions. Clicking on a line in that pane brings up the data relevant to that region in the right/main pane, which I can then export. The problem is, the codes shown on the left vary depending on dates/accounts/etc chosen in report setup, and for some reason the code/region isn't shown anywhere in the right/main pane, so it's not in the export.
For example, If I run it for a particular ledger account I may get US, UK, and Germany in the left pane. Expanding and then clicking on US in the left pane brings up the data relevant to US in the right pane, but without anything there to indicate it's for US. When I export, it only pulls the data from the right pane, so you can't tell from the export what region it's for.
I can manually click on the country code in the left pane again, after I've selected it, and hit ctrl-c to copy the code, but I've tried using the macro recorder in Excel and the script recorder in SAP (what I usually use) and neither one recognizes the selection/copy. I normally click on something in SAP and hit F1 to get info on what field/element it is so I know how to tell the script to grab it, but F1 doesn't do anything in that left pane.
The workaround for now is to run the report manually and write out the codes into a setup tab in excel to tell the script that the first line is US, second line is UK, etc, but some combinations of date and account return over 60 different region codes, so this is a pain in the ass for the end user and an easy place for them to make a mistake, which can screw up the output and make them think my script is bad. I just yesterday spent an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with my script because a user was getting different results, only to finally realize she had entered 61 codes and there were actually 62 in the report, so every one after the skipped code showed the wrong code.
I'd give screenshots but I don't know of a way to generate anything useful without revealing internal company info. I'm hoping others on here have experience with GR55 reports and have run into this before.

Any takers?
My suggestion is to ask in SAP forum. Most of us don't have access to SAP.

If you have Office 365 ProPlus or PowerBI Pro subscription. You can try importing model from SAP into data model/BI space and construct your report from it.