To calculate with time in Excel each time must be represented by a number between 0 and 1 (that is, a fraction of one day). So, although
means something to you, Excel cannot perform calculations on the numbers (start and end of the shift) in that form. The start time might be provided by a formula such as
=SWITCH(Shift, "8am-4pm", 8/24, "2pm-8pm", 14/24, FALSE)
The clocking-in times are nearer to what is needed except they are text strings and not numbers. To convert you could use
= TIMEVALUE(TimeIn) or, more concisely, = --TimeIn
Your 15 minute period of grace could be represented by
= TIME(0,15,0) or you may prefer = 1/96
Only once such conversions have been performed, can excel provide information such as
"Was the employee late?" or
"How many hours did they work?"
by simply subtracting the relevant times.