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how to compress excel file?


actually i have a excel file in which there are 25 forms and there are so many formulas and so many macros and name manage macro etc...

my file is of 20 mb therefore my file is so slow...when i worked in this file

how can i make it fast....?
Hi Mahaveer,

You can try saving that file in binary format (*.xlsb) instead of xlsx. It compresses your file upto 30 to 40% and opens up it fast also.


thanks sudarshan

i already tried the same thing

but there is a problem my all array formulas destroyed from this binary formates and

there is name define problem also generate with this....
Hi, mahaveer!

Even if you keep your file in .xlsm format what mostly matters regarding speed is how calculations are performed, what level of complexity formulas have, when are macro triggered, and so on.

So for more accurate comments consider uploading a sample file (including manual examples of desired output), it'd be very useful for those who read this and might be able to help you. Thank you. Give a look at the second green sticky post at this forums main page for uploading guidelines.
