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How to combine two Excel functions (TRIM and CLEAN) in one formula?

Eloise T

Active Member
This should be intuitively obvious but I'm not figuring it out.

I want to combine two Excel functions (TRIM and CLEAN) into one formula, if possible:

=TRIM(A2) and =CLEAN(A2) so that both superfluous spaces (ASCII 32) and ASCII characters 0-31 are removed.

=TRIM(A2)&CLEAN(A2) ← This does not work as it only removes the spaces and undesirably duplicates the data.

Please see attached sample data.


  • TEST FILE.xlsx
    10.6 KB · Views: 7
DUH! :confused: THANK YOU!

TRIM works, but CLEAN does not. Any suggestions?


  • TEST FILE 2.xlsx
    10.6 KB · Views: 16

It seems you misread what CLEAN Excel function does …

As I think there is no function for your need, you have to move to VBA …
To elaborate on what Marc said, CLEAN is meant to remove non-printable characters, such as other space type characters. The symbols in your workbook, while not alphanumeric, are still printable.

Are you wanting a function/formula that only keeps alphanumerics?
To elaborate on what Marc said, CLEAN is meant to remove non-printable characters, such as other space type characters. The symbols in your workbook, while not alphanumeric, are still printable.

Are you wanting a function/formula that only keeps alpha-numerics?

I need the formula to TRIM off the spaces and CLEAN hidden/invisible non-printable characters. I get them frequently when salesmen send me their weekly sales numbers. Particularly the ASCII 9 (TAB) character. CLEAN works very well but I often have to deal with extra, unwanted, superfluous spaces as well so I was hoping to kill two problems with one formula.

This brings me to trying to create a sample test file for my own testing and for getting help here. When trying to create the sample/test file, I could create the ASCII characters using ALT-Numpad, but could not make them invisible, hence your point about them needing to be non-printable and to my dismay, not being CLEANed off since they were visible.

=CLEAN(TRIM(cell location)) should work, correct?
Any idea how to create in hidden/invisible non-printable characters for testing?
It seems you misread what CLEAN Excel function does …

As I think there is no function for your need, you have to move to VBA …
I know what CLEAN does but couldn't seem to replicate the nasty non-printable characters for testing. Suggestions for creating a test file with non-printable characters?
Hi Eloise ,

Are the characters you have shown in your uploaded file , the only ones you wish to remove ?

CLEAN will not remove characters such the space-like character with the ASCII code of 160 ; thus , given the variety of unwanted characters , the best way would be to have a standard data cleaning routine which you can run on your data , which will take care of all unwanted characters.

This thread seems comprehensive , and should help :


If your file doesn't actually have the strange symbols, and instead the point it to create some invisible spaces, then yes, overall formula would be like

To create some test data, it might be helpful to use the CODE and CHAR functions. CODE will tell you the code number for a symbol. So, let's say that with your real data, you want to know the code of the 5th character in a cell. You could do:


Let's continue and say that the result of the above was, I dunno, 150. To re-create that character elsewhere, you can do:

As Narayan mentioned, 160 is a special case (very annoying too as it pops up commonly). For those, I usually write a formula like this:

That will remove the 160 character, other spaces, and then trim the whole thing.
Hi Eloise ,

Are the characters you have shown in your uploaded file , the only ones you wish to remove ?

I need to remove extra spaces and TRIM works very well.
I also seem to get a lot of ASCII 9 (TAB) characters in the incoming data and CLEAN works for that.
I was trying to combine the two into one formula: =CLEAN(TRIM(cell)) which you reminded how to do.
The problem was trying to create a sample/test file of non-printable characters (ASCII 0-31) to make sure =CLEAN(TRIM(cell)) was doing its job. Maybe I'm being too careful, but I like to cover my backside in case something goes awry. Every time I ALT + (0-31) it does not make a non-printable/hidden/invisible character but one that IS visible. Any suggestions on how to create such a thing?

CLEAN will not remove characters such the space-like character with the ASCII code of 160 ; thus , given the variety of unwanted characters , the best way would be to have a standard data cleaning routine which you can run on your data , which will take care of all unwanted characters.

This thread seems comprehensive , and should help :


I tried the following but I'm getting the #VALUE! error.

For some reason it doesn't like CHAR(0) but the rest appear to be ok once CHAR(0) is removed (the #VALUE! error goes away.)
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Please see below idea

TRIM(CLEAN(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(TRIM(E13),LEN(TRIM(E13))-OR(RIGHT(TRIM(E13))={"?","!","."})),CHAR(160)," ")))