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How to clear F5 go to references


New Member
Hello all. Just found this website. Great info! My first post. I've been searching (for longer than I'd like to admit!) on how to clear previous Go To (F5) cell references. I've figured out how to name the references so I want to clear out all of the previous unnamed cell references. Is this possible? Thanks for your help!
I believe that if you save & close the workbook, and then re-open it, the unnamed ranges should be cleared from the list.
Hi, bobbi0126!

Agree with Luke M, Excel handles up to 4 GoTo cell references in the read only array property Application.PreviousSelections, that paradoxically hasn't a Count property so you can only do a For...Next loop from 1 to Ubound(Application.PreviousSelections) and get the (i).Address value for each entry. No updates, no removals.
